建立 Application 的子類別,並將其設計成類似於 Singleton Pattern。
package com.foxx.utility; import android.app.Application; public class ApplicationEx extends Application { private static ApplicationEx sUniqueInstance; public static ApplicationEx getInstance() { return sUniqueInstance; } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); sUniqueInstance = this; sUniqueInstance.initData(); } private void initData() { //init some data here } }
第14行複寫 Application 的 onCreate 方法,該方法的 comment 敘述了幾個重點
/** * Called when the application is starting, before any activity, service, * or receiver objects (excluding content providers) have been created. * Implementations should be as quick as possible (for example using * lazy initialization of state) since the time spent in this function * directly impacts the performance of starting the first activity, * service, or receiver in a process. * If you override this method, be sure to call super.onCreate(). */ public void onCreate() { }
1.onCreate()會在所有 activity , service , receiver 建立之前被呼叫。
3.onCreate()記得呼叫 super.onCreate()。
4.記得在AndroidManifest.xml 指定使用 Application name
<application ... android:name="com.foxx.utility.ApplicationEx" ... >
顯而易見的好處是當你需要 context 的實體完成一些工作(如 getResource()),可以直接呼叫 getInstance().getResources() 來完成。
不需要 Context 當作參數傳來傳去。
ApplicationEx.getInstance().getResources(); ApplicationEx.getInstance().getFilesDir();
Note 1:
ApplicationEx 並不需要私有化其建構式,e.g.
private ApplicationEx(){ ... }
如果多做這一步反而會產生 IllegalAccessException: access to constructor not allowed 的異常。
因為使用 static 保證只有一個實體被建立,因此這種方法可以確保正確同步化。
Note 2:
new Dialog(ApplicationEx.getInstance()); new Dialog(ApplicationEx.getInstance().getApplicationContext());
Dialog建構式的參數必須為 Activity 的 Context