
Export path

1. Open terminal and move to root dir
Note: In my case, root dir name is alljoyn-14.12.00a-src
2. Terminal type

export AJ_ROOT=`pwd`

3. Terminal type

export TARGET_CPU=x86

Note: <TARGET CPU> can be either x86_64, x86, or whatever value you set for “CPU=” when running SCons.
value of TARGET CPU must matchas path, e.g.
/alljoyn-14.12.00a-src/build/linux/x86_64/  or  /alljoyn-14.12.00a-src/build/linux/x86/
4. Terminal type

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$AJ_ROOT/build/linux/$TARGET_CPU/debug/dist/cpp/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


Run the AboutService Sample App

1. In root of dir(alljoyn-14.12.00a-src), type


Note: some message will print on terminal e.g.

BusAttachment started.
   0.037 ****** ERROR NETWORK                   common/os/posix/Socket.cc:346 | Binding (sockfd = 59) to 9955: 98 - Address already in use: ER_OS_ERROR
BusAttachment connect succeeded. BusName :AVq3OlHG.2
AboutObj Announce Succeeded.
   0.041 ****** ERROR NETWORK                   common/os/posix/Socket.cc:346 | Binding (sockfd = 58) to 9955: 98 - Address already in use: ER_OS_ERROR
   1.863 ****** ERROR NETWORK iodisp2_0         common/os/posix/Socket.cc:463 | Shutdown socket (sockfd = 11): 107 - Transport endpoint is not connected: ER_OS_ERROR

it will show message when client connects.

Run the AboutClient Sample App

1. In root of dir(alljoyn-14.12.00a-src), type


Note: terminal print message e.g.

BusAttachment started.
BusAttachment connect succeeded.
WhoImplements called.
Announce signal discovered
	From bus :R8gNQJgr.2
	About version 1
	SessionPort 900
		Key: AppId	01 b3 ba 14 1e 82 11 e4 86 51 d1 56 1d 5d 46 b0
		Key: DefaultLanguage	en
		Key: DeviceId	93c06771-c725-48c2-b1ff-6a2a59d445b8
		Key: ModelNumber	123456
		Key: AppName	Application
		Key: DeviceName	My Device Name
		Key: Manufacturer	Manufacturer
Calling /example/path/com.example.about.feature.interface.sample
Echo method reply: ECHO Echo echo...

2. AboutServer will print message e.g.

Session Joined SessionId = 3156666061
Echo method called: ECHO Echo echo...